Rubbish remover finds 1897 Grant program

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NEW YORK, April 22 (UPI) — A New York rubbish remover hired to clean out an apartment said he discovered a program from the 1897 dedication of President Ulysses S. Grant’s tomb.

Nick DiMola, 42, said he discovered the program while cleaning out an apartment on the upper East Side and will donate it Friday to a New York non-profit dedicated to the Grant Monument Association, the same non-profit that created the document, the New York Daily News reported Thursday.

“It’s something so nice that I don’t want it just sitting in my office,” DiMola said.

“This is a unique glimpse into the past,” Grant Monument Association President Frank Scaturro said. He said donating the program is “a very admirable, noble gesture.”

Auction house Sotheby’s estimated the value of the program at about $200.

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