Brown Derby restaurant shirt found on estate clutter cleanout job

Brown Derby restaurant shirt found on estate clutter cleanout job

Trash Pick Up

Brown Derby restaurant shirt found on estate clutter clean out job

There’s no way I was taking this shirt to the dump!

I love vintage clothing, so I was pleased when I found this Brown Derby restaurant shirt back in 1999. My crew and I were on a real estate cleanout job in Flushing, Queens when I found it. We were hired to get rid of clutter and old furniture, and this shirt was just hanging in the closet of the house.

It is a vintage uniform for a waiter named Chuck. The “Brown Derby” was a chain of restaurants that were mainly located in California — specifically, Wilshire Boulevard, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Toronto and Los Feliz. Chuck’s name is stitched just above the upper right-hand pocket. The inside tag reveals that the producer was “Mr. Joel California,” which makes sense, considering so many of the restaurants were located in California.

The shirt currently hangs in my garage, next to a few other vintage garments I own. It is hard to determine what year the shirt is from, as each Brown Derby location opened at a different time and none exist today. It is fascinating to me to find this kind of stuff, and I love to talk about it, so if you know a guy named Chuck who worked at the Brown Derby, please send him my way!

Garbage Disposal

The name "Chuck" was stitched on the restaurant uniform just above the upper right-hand pocket

Trash Pickup

Mr. Joel California was the manufacturer of the shirts

Junk Haulers

Back view of the Brown Derby shirt

What is an estate cleanout?

I always talk about residential cleanouts or office rubbish removal jobs or full house and apartment cleanouts, and never fully explain what any of these jobs are because I am so excited about describing the antiques I find. Let me give you some background…

An estate cleanout job is a type of rubbish removal job. Typically, people will call me when one of their relatives dies or goes into assisted living. If someone who had lived alone dies unexpectedly, often there is an excess of items and belongings in the house that is left behind. Family members of the deceased may turn to an estate clean-out or rubbish removal service that provides skilled workers to handle the garbage removal job. They sometimes tell me it’s a lot easier than doing it themselves. When I step in, the family members can relax immediately because they know that the house will be taken care of and cleaned out, and they can focus on family time.

An estate clean-out in just one type of service that DiMola Bros offers; we also provide garbage disposal services, partial clean-outs, junk removal, furniture pick-ups, commercial or residential estate cleanouts, and full house or apartment cleanouts, among other types of services. We work in all five boroughs of New York City — Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island.

DiMola Bros Rubbish Removal
1640 Summerfield St.
Ridgewood, NY 11385
Phone: 718-326-6969
Fax: 718-326-7979 /

DiMola Bros — Providing Queens junk removal services since 1956!

~ by DiMolaBros1956 on December 25, 2010.

5 Responses to “Brown Derby restaurant shirt found on estate clutter cleanout job”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nick Hirshon. Nick Hirshon said: RT @DiMolaBros1956: #antiques Brown Derby restaurant shirt found on estate clutter #cleanout job […]

  2. Thank You Man 🙂

  3. […] Brown Derby restaurant shirt found on estate clutter cleanout job … Dec 25, 2010 … Brown Derby restaurant shirt found on estate clutter cleanout job. Trash Pick Up … […]

  4. […] about the toolbox, or feel compelled to share a memory, thought or question about any of my waste disposal jobs, please don’t hesitate comment on the […]

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